VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge 2021
Energy Management of a Dual-Motor All-Wheel Drive Electric Vehicle
Initiated in the IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC) 2016, the IEEE VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge has been successfully organized over four versions from 2017 to 2020. This year, The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, the University of Sherbrooke, the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, the University of Québec at Trois-Rivières, and the University of Lille are proud to launch the IEEE VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge 2021.
The Challenge
The challenge focuses on the design of an energy management strategy (EMS) for a dual-motor all-wheel drive (AWD) electric vehicle (EV) of which the reference model is given from an urban EV developed in the University of Sherbrooke. The participants will develop their EMS to allocate the traction forces between the front and rear axles and also the mechanical and electrical braking forces of each axel.
The ultimate objective of the EMS is to minimize the battery state-of-charge (SoC) depletion respecting the torque constraints of the EDs and the temperature constraints of the battery cell.
Simulation model
A free MATLAB/Simulink model and control of the vehicle organized by using Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) are provided.
The results will be revealed at March 2021. All participants will receive a participation certificate.
Teams that developed the best EMSs will receive awards that each one will include a certificate, an invitation to write and present a paper for the IEEE VPPC 2021, and a grant that covers all the expenses related to participation and attendance the IEEE VPPC 2021 (conference registration, transport, and accommodation):
- First prize: Up to 3500 US$;
- Second prize: Up to 1500 US$.
This competition is open to everyone (students, academics, and industry). However, only VTS members are eligible to receive the grant. So, you can join us now https://vtsociety.org/
If you are not a member at the moment of your registration, you can still participate and receive your participation certificate.
Important dates
Registration: December 20, 2020
Submission: February 22, 2021
Results: March 15, 2021
All the technical and practical information are available on:
Best regards,
The Challenge Committee
Dr. Bảo-Huy Nguyễn, Prof. João Pedro F. Trovão, Prof. Samir Jemeï, Prof. Loïc Boulon, and Prof. Alain Bouscayrol