The Best VTC2019-Fall Student Paper was awarded to Zhangfeng Ma (pictured), Bo Ai, Ruisi He, and Zhangdui Zhong from Beijing Jiaotong University for their paper titled “A 3D Air-to-Air Wideband Non-Stationary Channel Model of UAV Communications”.
Best Overall Paper VTC2019-Fall Award
The Best Overall VTC2019-Fall Paper went to Stephan Jaeckel (pictured), Nick Turay, Leszek Raschkowski, Lars Thiele, from Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Risto Vuohtoniemi, Marko Sonkki, Veikko Hovinen, from university of Oulu, Frank Burkhardt, Prasanth Karunakaran and Thomas Heyn, from Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits for their paper titled “Industrial Indoor Measurements from 2-6 GHz for the 3GPP-NR and QuaDRiGa Channel Model”.
Best VPPC 2018 Award
Best VPPC 2018 Best Paper Award:
Javier Solano, VPPC 2018 Award Chair, presented the Vehicular Power & Propulsion Conference Best Paper Awards to two groups. One award was presented to Thanh Vo-Duy and Minh C. Ta, Centre for Technology Innovation – CTI, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam for their paper titled “Slip Ratio Estimation for Traction Control of Electric Vehicles”
Pictured: Minh C. Ta, Javier Solano, Thanh Vo-Duy
Best VPPC 2018 Award
Best VPPC 2018 Best Paper Award:
Javier Solano, VPPC 2018 Award Chair, presented the Vehicular Power & Propulsion Conference Best Paper Awards to two groups. One award was presented to Shima Nazari, Jason Siegel and Anna Stefanopoulou from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor for their work titled “Optimal Energy Management for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle with a Power Split Supercharger”
Pictured: Javier Solano and Shima Nazari
Best Overall VTC2019-Spring Paper Award
Best Overall VTC2019-Spring Paper:
The Best Overall VTC2019-Spring Paper was awarded to Andrea Tassi, Ioannis Mavromatis, Robert Piechocki, Andrew Nix of the University of Bristol and Christian Compton, Tracey Poole, Wolfgang Schuster from Atkins Global Limited, for their paper titled “Agile Data Offloading over Novel Fog Computing Infrastructure for CAVs”.
Pictured: Nordin Ramli, VTC2019-Spring General Chair, Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Technical Program Co-Chair, authors Robert Piechocki, Andrea Tassi, Ioannis Mavromatis, and Alex Wyglinski, President, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.
Best VTC2019-Spring Student Paper Award
Best VTC2019-Spring Student Paper Award:
The Best VTC2018-Fall Student Paper was awarded to Renato Abreu, Gilberto Berardinelli, Nurul H. Mahamood, from Aalborg University, Thomas Jacobsen, Klaus Pedersen, Istvan Z. Kovacs, from Nokia Bell Labs, Preben Morgensen from both Aalborg University and Nokie Bell Labs, for their paper titled “On the Multiplexing of Broadband Traffic and Grant-Free Ultra-Reliable Communication in Uplink”.
Pictured: Nordin Ramli, VTC2019-Spring General Chair, Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Technical Committee Co-Chair, author Renato Abreu, and Alex Wyglinski, President of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.