This is only for previously published authors in VPPC 2022.
IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology
Call for Papers for Special Section on
“More Integrated Electrified Vehicles”
In Collaboration with IEEE VPPC 2022
Advanced energy storage, power electronics, machines and drive, control, and energy management strategies, charging infrastructures and vehicle-to-everything technology are developed in order to ensure better energy performance, reduced operating cost, and higher lifetime of future transportation systems including not only road vehicles, but also more electric trains, subways, ships and airplanes. Research on innovative and more integrated electric powertrain technologies is required, to push electrified vehicles on the market.
To further promote excellence of research in Vehicle Power and Propulsion, in conjunction with the 19th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2022), a special section in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology is proposed to focus research and development as well as future trends of more integrated electric vehicles. Papers related to the components by themselves will not be considered in this special section (i.e., paper on components without integration in the vehicle are out of topic).
Topics of interest include, but are not limited, to the following:
- Batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells, flywheels systems embedded in hybrid & electrical vehicles
- Power electronics converters and machines designed and embedded in innovative electrified vehicles
- Infrastructures and technology for vehicle charging and vehicle-to-everything
- Design, modeling, and simulation of electrified powertrains
- Durability issues and accelerated stress tests
- Vehicle control, fault-tolerant operations, energy management strategies
- Hybrid Vehicles, Electric Vehicles, Fuel Cell Vehicles, …
- Automotive, railway, subway, ships, aeronautic, aerospace, and robotic applications
Potential authors are invited to submit their original contributions for consideration to be published in this special section. A thorough peer review will be conducted to select top papers to be included in this special section. Only papers presented at the IEEE VPPC 2022 will be considered. Please note that IEEE TVT requires that a journal submission offer substantive novel contributions beyond the previous work in a conference paper. The submitted papers require a mandatory extension at least of 50% of changes of content (ideas), and a new title. Moreover, as the similarity index should be under 50%, the authors are encouraged to take a sufficient margin for avoiding desk rejection. The conference paper must be uploaded when the journal paper is submitted. Moreover, the cover letter along with manuscript should mention specifically “VPPC Special Section” and a letter with a list of major differences must also be uploaded with the new paper as a supplementary file. Finally, the reviewing process will include just one round revision and the authors are expected to submit high caliber papers as soon as the first manuscript submission. It should be noticed that the submission deadline will not be postpone respecting the publication date. After this deadline, the papers can be submitted as regular papers and not in this special section.
Deadlines –
Manuscript Submission Deadline Extended – 30 April 2023
First Decision – 15 June 2023
Revised Paper Due – 15 August 2023
Final Decision – 1 October 2023
Estimated publication date – Last quarter of 2023
Manuscript Preparation and Submission
All manuscripts must follow the guidelines under “Information for Authors” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology at Please submit your manuscript in electronic form through Manuscript Central web site: On the submission page #1 in the popup menu for the manuscript type, select “Special Issue” and in the special issue topic write: “Vehicle Power Propulsion systems”
Guest Editors
Ricardo de Castro, University of Merced, CA, USA,
Scott Moura, University of Berkeley, CA, USA,
Rui Esteves Araujo, University of Porto, Portugal,
Keith Corzine, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA,