Welcome to IEEE VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge 2024
Objective Challenge
The IEEE VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge is an annual controller design competition that has been organized in cooperation with the IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC). This Challenge aims to extend the powertrain efficiency and racing distance by solving a coupling issue of energy consumption and power losses.
The participants need to:
- Propose a suitable Energy Management Strategy based on the provided storage system to reduce
energy consumption. - Propose a suitable Powertrain losses Management Strategy to reduce the losses of power electronics converters, inverter and the e-machine.
Teams that developed the best solution will receive awards, an invitation to write and present a paper for the IEEE VPPC 2024, and a grant that covers all the expenses related to participation and attendance the IEEE VPPC 2024 (conference registration, transport, and accommodation):
First prize: Up to a limit of 3500 US$.
Second prize: Up to a limit of 1500 US$.More information is available here: IEEE-MVC-2024: IEEE Motor Vehicles Challenge 2024: MVC2024 flyer