W6: The 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Communication Network Technologies (ICNET-3)
Workshop Organizer: Syed Hassan Ahmed, JMA Wireless, USA
Workshop Organizer: Yalew Zelalem Jembre, Keimyung University, South Korea
Workshop Organizer: Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
Abstract: In the last two decades, several concepts are derived from the internet of things (IoT) integrated with artificial intelligence (AI). From efficient communication networks, smart homes, smart cities, smart health services, the artificial intelligence of things (AIoT) is opening new ventures for scientists and researchers. Considering the rapid increase in the number of communicating vehicles and the tremendous amount of data exchanged by these vehicles, intelligent transportation system (ITS) with vehicle to vehicle (V2V), vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle to everything (V2X), AI and machine learning (ML) based solutions can also provide cheap and efficient solutions in future communication networks. AI due to the self-sustainable nature with self-governing and independent decision-making capabilities appeared as a possible alternative to achieve the aim of full autonomous communication systems. Our aim in organizing this workshop is to explore intelligent communication network technologies to manage the available resources smartly and efficiently. Further, the demand for clean energy and micro-grids can be enabled for saving energy in powerful and deep saving batteries for future use. For this workshop section, we are soliciting high-quality articles covering the topic related to Intelligent vehicular communication technologies using the internet of energy (IoE) and IoV concepts with original results and conceptual study. The aim is to bring the novel ideas, concepts, open challenges, issues, from the researchers working in the said domain.
Workshop Program
Part 1 – Opening / Welcome
Part 2 – Technical Paper – An Enhanced Multi-Carrier Waveform for Downlink Short-Packet Communication
Part 3 – Technical Paper – A Two-layer Collaborative Vehicle-Edge Intrusion Detection System for Vehicular Communications
Part 4 – Technical Paper – Discernible Effect of Video Quality for Distorted Vehicle Detection using Deep Neural Networks
Part 5 – Technical Paper – Hardware Testbed based Analytical Performance Modelling for Mobile Task Offloading in UAV Edge Cloudlets
Part 6 – Technical Paper – Optimal routing protocol for efficient communication in a social vehicular content-centric network
Part 7 – Closing Remarks