T6 Title: Softwarization and Virtualization in 5G and Beyond Mobile Networks
Organizer: Fabrizio Granelli
Organizer: Frank Fitzek
Abstract: The aim of the tutorial is to illustrate how the emerging paradigms of Software Defined Networking, Network Function Virtualization, and Information Centric Networking will impact on the development of future systems and networks, both from the theoretical/formal as well as from the practical perspective. Main focus will be on mobile networks, i.e. 5G and beyond. The tutorial will provide a comprehensive overview of the individual building blocks (software defined networking; network function virtualization; information centric networks) enabling the concept of computing in future networks, starting from use cases and concepts over technological enablers (Mininet; Docker) and future innovations (machine learning; network coding; compressed sensing) to implementing all of them on personal computers.
Practical hands-on activities will be proposed, with realistic use cases to bridge theory and implementation by several examples, through the usage of a pre-built ad-hoc Virtual Machine (ComNetsEmu) that can be easily be extended for new experiments. The instructions to download the Virtual Machine will be provided in advance of the event. The main objective of the tutorial will be to expose attendees to the most recent technologies in the field of networking and teach them how to use them in a real setup in the “hands-on” session.
Bio: Fabrizio Granelli is Associate Professor at the Dept. of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) of the University of Trento (Italy). From 2012 to 2014, he was Italian Master School Coordinator in the framework of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology ICT Labs Consortium. He was Delegate for Education at DISI in 2015-2016 and he is currently member of the Executive Committee of the Trentino Wireless and Optical Testbed Lab. He was IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer for 2012-15, IEEE ComSoc Director for Online Content in 2016-17 and IEEE ComSoc Director for Educational Services in 2018-19. Prof. Granelli is coordinator of the research and didactical activities on computer networks within the degree in Telecommunications Engineering. He was advisor of more than 80 B.Sc. and M.Sc. theses and 8 Ph.D. theses. He is author or co-author of more than 250 papers published in international journals, books and conferences in networking, with particular reference to performance modeling, cross-layering, wireless networks, cognitive radios and networks, green networking and smart grid communications.
Bio: Frank H. P. Fitzek is a Professor and chair of the communication networks group at Technische Universität Dresden coordinating the 5G Lab Germany. He received his diploma (Dipl.-Ing.) degree in electrical engineering from the University of Technology – Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) – Aachen, Germany, in 1997 and his Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing.) in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University Berlin, Germany in 2002 and became Adjunct Professor at the University of Ferrara, Italy in the same year. In 2003 he joined Aalborg University as Associate Professor and later became Professor. He co-founded several start-up companies starting with acticom GmbH in Berlin in 1999. He has visited various research institutes including Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), VTT, and Arizona State University. In 2005 he won the YRP award for the work on MIMO MDC and received the Young Elite Researcher Award of Denmark. He was selected to receive the NOKIA Champion Award several times in a row from 2007 to 2011. In 2008 he was awarded the Nokia Achievement Award for his work on cooperative networks. In 2011 he received the SAPERE AUDE research grant from the Danish government and in 2012 he received the Vodafone Innovation price. His current research interests are in the areas of wireless and mobile 5G communication networks, mobile phone programming, network coding, cross layer as well as energy efficient protocol design and cooperative networking.