W10: 3rd International workshop on Dependable Wireless Communications (DEWCOM)
Organizer: Joaquim Ferreira
Organizer: Paulo C. Bartolomeu
Abstract: Dependability is a generic concept that describes the level of trust one can have in the operation of a system. The attributes of dependability denote different properties that can be expected from a dependable system, whose importance can vary between distinct applications such as availability, reliability, safety, integrity and maintainability. During the design of these systems, several means or techniques can be used to attain the various attributes of dependability. In a number of wireless communication based systems, for instance, vehicular environment or industrial environment, dependability attributes are of uttermost importance, since a failure in system’s operation can cause severe consequences. These systems present timeliness requirements that are dictated by the environment in which they operate. Since the environment has inherent temporal dynamics, in order to properly interact with it, these systems not only have to produce logically correct solutions but also need to apply them within a specified time interval. The temporal behaviour of the whole system depends on several elements such as the node’s software, e.g. running tasks, behaviour and the capacity of the underlying communication system to provide timely delivery of messages. Therefore, communication systems must be capable of delivering messages within specific temporal constraints. For instance, in case of vehicular communications, when an accident occurs the vehicles approaching the location of the hazard should receive a warning message with sufficient time in advance, in order for them to take appropriate measures, avoiding a possible chain collision. If these hard deadlines cannot be met, catastrophic consequences may occur, possibly causing human, economic and environmental losses. Beyond that, this type of safety-critical systems must exhibit a high probability to provide continuous correct service, in order to guarantee that real-time activities are performed within stringent bounds.
Wireless communication technologies have become immensely adopted in various fields, appearing in a plethora of applications ranging from tracking victims, responders and equipment in disaster scenarios to machine health monitoring in networked manufacturing systems etc. Most of these applications demand strictly bounded timing response and are highly dependent on the performance of the underlying wireless communication technology. In most cases, these systems are required to have dependable timeliness requirements since data communication must be conducted within predefined temporal bounds along with fulfilling other requirements such as reliability, security etc. This is mainly because the unfulfillment of these requirements may compromise the expected behaviour of the system and cause economic losses or endanger human lives. In addition, the broadcast nature of wireless communications in an open environment makes it more vulnerable to unwanted external entities compared to the wired communications. This makes the support of dependable wireless communications in open environments, where multiple devices are contending for the resources, a challenging task. Thus, future wireless communications must tackle these challenging issues such as low communication reliability, real-time support, security, reachability and fault-tolerance.
Therefore, new design aspects in this class of systems considering new architectures, applications, and communication mechanisms based on dependability attributes need to be proposed.
Bio: Joaquim Ferreira holds a Ph.D in Informatics Engineering from the University of Aveiro (2005). Currently he is adjunct professor at University of Aveiro and researcher at Telecommunications Institute. Formerly he was assistant professor of the University of Lisbon Faculty of Sciences, adjunct professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco and researcher at INESC and IEETA. His research interests include: dependable distributed systems, fault-tolerant real-time communications, wireless vehicular communications, cooperative ITS systems and medium access control protocols. He is a co-author of more than 70 refereed publications in international scientific conferences and journals, 12 book chapters and one book. He was principal investigator, local coordinator or participant in over 15 funded national and international research projects. He is senior member of IEEE, has participated in more than 30 conference scientific committees and has served as guest editor in several journals. Recently he leaded the task on vehicular communications of the FP7 project Intelligent Cooperative Sensing for Improved traffic efficiency (ICSI) and currently he coordinates the Celtic Plus (Eureka) project SARWS – Real-time location-aware road weather services composed from multi-modal data, P2020 project PASMO – An Open Platform for the development and experimentation of Mobility Solutions and coordinates the IT participation the P2020 project TRUST – Transportation and Road monitoring system for UbiquitouS real-Time information services, P2020 project DETAINER – Deterministic Capture of Communication Channels and H2020 project 5G-MOBIX – 5G for cooperative & connected automated MOBIility on X-border corridors.
Bio: Paulo C. Bartolomeu received his Ph.D. in Informatics Engineering from the University of Aveiro, Portugal, in 2014. He has participated in several R&D projects both at the academia (ARMONIO, CAMBADA and Smart Green Homes) and in the industry (CIRaF, DHT-Mesh, BikeEmotion, Living Usability Lab, SheepIT). He is the author of two patents and more than 40 scientific publications including papers in conferences, journals and book chapters. Currently, Paulo Bartolomeu is a Senior Researcher at the University of Aveiro and at the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal, working on a joint project with Bosch Termotecnologia named “Smart Green Homes” (http://www.ua.pt/smartgreenhomes/). His research interests include real-time communications, information-centric networks, blockchain/DLT, SSI and IoT.
Workshop paper submission due EXTENDED: 10 January 2021
Acceptance notification: 31 January 2021
Final paper submission due Extended: 4 March 2021
To submit a paper to this workshop, please visit: https://vtc2021s-rr-wks.trackchair.com/track/1956