W4: 5G-enabled safety and support services for cooperative, connected and automated mobility
Organizer: Jarno Pinola
Organizer: Faouzi Bouali
Organizer: Tiia Ojanperä
Abstract: Safety and support services running on top of 5G network infrastructures have a great opportunity to facilitate cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM) for automotive and transport verticals in a variety of road conditions and operational environments. As the rollouts of commercial 5G networks continue all over the world, the increasing coverage and continuously evolving capabilities of the technology make it an ideal connectivity platform for a variety of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication scenarios. Critical network-based services enhancing the road traffic safety are able to exploit the ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) services offered by 5G. Other non-critical support services can rely on enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) and massive machine type communications (mMTC) services provided by 5G networks and facilitate the operation of the intelligent road transport systems as well as the comfort and wellbeing of the drivers and passengers.
The aim of the workshop is to exploit these opportunities from several perspectives. First, the workshop distributes the latest results assessing the suitability of the currently standardised 5G functionalities in a variety of CCAM scenarios. Second, the workshop discusses the gaps identified in the existing 5G capabilities when it comes to the heterogeneous requirements, stemming from these scenarios, and offers new technological solutions to fill the identified gaps. Third, the workshop considers novel services and concepts that 5G networks would enable to improve the safety and performance of CCAM.
The workshop is organised by the EU Horizon 2020 5G-HEART (https://5gheart.org/) and Celtic-Next 5G-SAFEPlus (https://5gsafeplus.fmi.fi/) projects.
Bio: Mr. Jarno Pinola works as a Senior Scientist in VTT’s 5G and Beyond Networks research team. Jarno received his M.Sc. degree in telecommunications from the University of Oulu in 2008 and is currently working towards a Ph.D focusing on open and virtualised radio access network solutions. He has contributed to numerous national and international R&D projects, which have studied, developed and tested commercial communication technologies ranging from 3G UMTS and 4G LTE to WiMAX and WLAN. His current research interests include virtualised network architectures, performance evaluation, and testing of wireless communication technologies in the 5G context. At the moment, he is working the Horizon 2020 5G-HEART project as the leader of three use case trials scenarios in the Transport vertical and acts as the main contact point for VTT’s 5G test facilities utilised in the project.
Bio: Faouzi Bouali is a Research Fellow in the 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) of the University of Surrey, United Kingdom. Since 2009, he has been actively contributing to various research projects funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (i.e., 5G-HEART and Speed-5G), the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (i.e., FARAMIR, OneFIT and HELP) and BT Research, United Kingdom. Additionally, he has been working for over a decade as radio optimization expert in various public and private projects. His expertise and research interests span the field of mobile radio-communication systems with a specific focus on innovative architectures for next-generation networks, advanced radio resource management (RRM), vehicular communications, spectrum sharing and quality of service/experience (QoS/QoE) provisioning in heterogeneous and cognitive radio networks. At current, he is the “Technical Manager” of the Automotive vertical of the Horizon 2020 5G-HEART project (2019-2022) investigating and trialling the capability of 5G systems to support future Automotive use cases.
Bio: Dr. Tiia Ojanperä is the leader of the Autonomous Systems Connectivity team at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. She received her Ph.D. (Tech.) degree on Computer Science and Engineering from University of Oulu in 2013. She has over 15 years of experience from wireless communication technology R&D, lately focusing mainly on 5G and 5G-enabled industry vertical applications. Her past research projects include, for example, Celtic-Plus VIRTUOSE, Celtic COMMUNE, and Celtic SCALNET, in which she has worked in the technical coordinator, senior scientist or project manager roles. Recently, she coordinated the Challenge Finland 5G-SAFE project (2016-2018) that conducted R&D on novel 5G-enabled road safety services in collaboration with Finnish academia and industry. Currently, she is the Finnish country coordinator in the follow up project, Celtic-Next 5G-SAFE-Plus. She has published her work in scientific forums with around 40 publications to date.
Workshop paper submission due EXTENDED: 10 January 2021
Acceptance notification: 31 January 2021
Final paper submission due Extended: 4 March 2021
To submit a paper to this workshop, please visit: https://vtc2021s-rr-wks.trackchair.com/track/1950