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Mikko Uusitalo - VTC2021-Spring Helsinki

Mikko Uusitalo

Head of Research Department

Mikko Uusitalo – Moderator

Panel Title: Global view on 6G.

Bio:  Mikko Uusitalo is Head of Research Department Wireless Advanced Technologies(WAT) at Nokia Bell Labs Finland. Mikko is leading the European 6G Flagship Hexa-X. He obtained a M.Sc. (Eng.) and Dr.Tech. in 1993 and 1997 and a B.Sc. (Economics) in 2003, all from predecessors of Aalto University. Mikko has been at Nokia since 2000 with various roles, including Principal Researcher and Head of International Cooperation at Nokia Research. Mikko has more than 70 granted patents or patent families and tens of more in the application phase.

