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W4: Delay-Doppler Communications and Sensing for Vehicular networks - VTC2023-Fall HK

W4: Delay-Doppler Communications and Sensing for Vehicular Networks

Co-organizer: Weijie Yuan, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
Co-organizer: Zhiqiang Wei, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Co-organizer: Marwa Chafii, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE
Co-organizer: Giulio Colavolpe, University of Parma, Italy

Abstract: Future wireless networks are envisioned to support ubiquitous connectivity to a wide range of emerging applications operating in hostile environments, spanning from autonomous cars to unmanned aerial/underwater vehicles (UAV/UUV). This requires novel wireless technology to provide highly reliable data transmission and highly robust sensing simultaneously. However, the strong multipath, high delay, and Doppler components in those hostile environments can impose great challenges for reliable wireless communications and robust sensing.

Against this background, delay-Doppler (DD) communication and sensing has recently emerged as a promising solution for reliable communications and robust sensing over highly dynamic environments, particularly suitable for future vehicular networks.

Co-organizer’s bios:

Weijie Yuan:

Weijie Yuan (Member, IEEE) received the B.E. degree from the Beijing Institute of Technology, China, in 2013, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, in 2019. He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Southern University of Science and Technology. He was a recipient of the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award from the Chinese Institute of Electronics and an Exemplary Reviewer from IEEE Transactions on Communications and IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Communications Letters, an Associate Editor as well as an Award Committee Member for the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. He has led the guest editorial teams for three special issues in IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, and China Communications. He was an Organizer/the Chair of several workshops and special sessions on orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) and integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) in flagship IEEE and ACM conferences, including IEEE ICC, IEEE/CIC ICCC, IEEE SPAWC, IEEE VTC, IEEE WCNC, IEEE ICASSP, and ACM MobiCom. He is the Founding Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Special Interest Group on Orthogonal Time Frequency Space (OTFS SIG).

Zhiqiang Wei:

Zhiqiang Wei (Member, IEEE) received the B.E. degree in information engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), Xi’an, China, in 2012, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and telecommunications from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia, in 2019. He is currently a Professor with the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China. He received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2018. He is the founding co-chair (publications) of the IEEE ComSoc special interest group on OTFS (OTFS-SIG). He has been serving as the TPC Co-Chair of the IEEE ICC 2021 Workshop on OTFS, the IEEE ICC 2022 Workshop on OTFS, the IEEE WCNC 2023 Workshop on OTFS, IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) 2021 Workshop on OTFS.

Marwa Chafii:

Marwa Chafii (Member, IEEE) received her Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2016. She joined the Technical University of Dresden, Germany, in 2018 as a research group leader, and ENSEA, France, in 2019 as an Associate Professor where she held a Chair of Excellence on Artificial Intelligence from CY Initiative. Since September 2021, she is an Associate Professor at New York University (NYU) Abu Dhabi, and NYU WIRELESS, NYU Tandon School of Engineering. She received the prize of the best Ph.D. in France in the fields of Signal, Image & Vision, and she has been nominated in the top 10 Rising Stars in Computer Networking and Communications by N2Women in 2020. She served as Associate Editor at IEEE Communications Letters 2019-2021, where she received the Best Editor Award in 2020. Between 2018 and 2021, she was research lead at the Women in AI organization. She is currently Associate Editor at IEEE Transactions on Communications, serving as vice-chair of the IEEE ComSoc ETI on Machine Learning for Communications and leading the Education working group of the IEEE ComSoc ETI on Integrated Sensing and Communications.

Giulio Colavolpe:

Giulio Colavolpe (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Dr. Ing. degree in Telecommunications Engineering (cum laude) from the University of Pisa, Italy, in 1994 and the Ph.D. degree in Information Technologies from the University of Parma, Italy, in 1998. Since 1997, he has been at the University of Parma, Italy, where he is now a Professor of Telecommunications at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura (DIA). In 2000, he was Visiting Scientist at the Institut Eurécom, Valbonne, France. In 2013, he was a Visiting Scientist at the European Space Agency (ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands). His research interests include the design of digital communication systems, adaptive signal processing (with particular emphasis on iterative detection techniques for channels with memory), channel coding and information theory. His research activity has led to more than 200 papers in refereed journals and in leading international conferences, and 18 industrial patents. He received the best paper award at the 13th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM’05), Split, Croatia, September 2005, the best paper award for Optical Networks and Systems at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), Beijing, China, May 2008, and the best paper award at the 5th Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Conference and 11th International Workshop on Signal Processing for Space Communications (ASMS\&SPSC 2010), Cagliari, Italy.

He served as an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, and IEEE Wireless Communications Letters and as an Executive Editor for Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT).

Paper submission deadline: August 28, 2023
Acceptance notification: September 03, 2023
Final paper submission deadline:September 09, 2023

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