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Pre-recording Requirements and Guidelines - VTC2023-Spring

Thank you for presenting your work at VTC2023-Spring!

In order to properly prepare for the conference, please start preparing your pre-recorded presentation.  We do not have the upload date yet, so continue to watch for updates.


In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, VTC2023-Spring has been moved to a hybrid, on-demand conference. A pre-recorded version of your presentation is required for on-demand viewing.

Please prepare and upload a video of your presentation, comprised of a brief introduction
with a webcam, if desired, followed by voice over slides for your presentation. This will be posted within your presentation time slot on the VTC Spring 2023 on-demand virtual platform. Please note that the file must be in MP4 format (more details below). Do not try to upload PowerPoint or PDF files.

Our recommended approach to record a compatible video from content displayed on your computer screen and voice recorded via the computer microphone, is to record the presentation using Zoom, available to users on most platforms and in most countries (more information at the end of this email).

Guidelines for preparing your video:
Presentation Title: {Paper Title}
Presentation ID: {Paper ID} – This number should start with a “2” (It’s a good idea to include this when naming your MP4 file.)
File size: 150MB max (for each 15 minutes)
Video file format: mp4
Dimensions: Minimum height 720 pixels, aspect ratio: 16:9

Please note the final specifications will be checked at the time of submission and files not compliant may not be uploaded.

Please be sure the video includes the title of the paper, the authors, and a mention to VTC2023-Spring.


Instructions for Speakers and Paper Presenters

  • Visit the Speaker Submission Webform.  We will have a deadline soon.
  • Choose which author is the presenting author
  • Fill out your Speaker Information
    1. Upload a speaker headshot photo
    2. Include a speaker biography in the available text field
  • Upload your Presentation Data
    1. video in mp4 format (max of 150MB is allowed)
    2. PDF or PowerPoint Slides (not required but can be uploaded for reference)
  • Wait for your video to finish uploading into the system
  • Upload the completed IEEE Release Form
  • Submit your work by selecting the Submit button at the bottom of the screen
  • A confirmation message will be presented upon successful submission and a confirmation will be emailed to you
    1. Be sure to retain this information in case you need to make future updates to your submission.

As a reminder, videos that are not received by the deadline will be considered no-shows in accordance with the non-presented paper policy.

We hope to make VTC2023-Spring a success despite the difficult situation and this hybrid conference format. We thank you for your cooperation in this endeavor.


Instructions for recording your presentation:

There are several video conferencing tools available to easily record a presentation.  In this method, you can show your face via webcam (if you’d like) and display your slides as you talk. You can use any meeting software as long as you get a good quality recording and your final file is in the MP4 format. Here are some links to instructions on recording a meeting on common platforms:

You can also use the two-step method covered below:

Create Voice Over Power point and convert to MP4