CANCELLED – T3: Cellular-Connected Drones in 5G and Beyond
Chair: Aymen Fakhreddine, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Abstract: The integration of drones into 5G cellular networks is set to revolutionize a wide range of applications across industrial, civilian, and military sectors. We believe that the IEEE VTS community will be interested in a tutorial on this timely and motivating topic. This tutorial will explore the latest advancements in drone communication within 5G networks, focusing on ensuring high uplink data rates and reliable downlink connectivity necessary for beyond visual line of sight operations. Additionally, we will delve into the innovative use of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) to enhance 5G networks, extending wireless coverage vertically and improving localization and radar capabilities for low-altitude drones. Key topics include strategies for achieving robust data transmission and remote control via 5G, and the development of RIS-augmented systems to provide comprehensive 3D coverage and improved drone detection. In this tutorial we will attempt to provide valuable insights into the practical challenges and solutions for integrating drones into currently deployed 5G networks and how Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces could improve this integration in beyond 5G networks.
Chair’s Bio:
Aymen Fakhreddine
Bio: Aymen Fakhreddine (Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in telematic engineering from the University Carlos III Madrid (Spain), the M.Sc. degree in advanced wireless communication systems from CentraleSupélec (France) and the engineering degree in telecommunications from INPT Rabat (Morocco). He is a principal investigator of a project entitled “Drones in Cellular Networks” at the University of Klagenfurt (Austria) as a recipient of the ESPRIT grant from FWF – Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Austrian Science Fund). His expertise is in wireless communications, networking, and localization. He previously worked as a senior researcher at Lakeside Labs (Austria), researcher at IMDEA Networks Institute (Spain), visiting researcher at Singapore University of Technology and Design, and research intern at Nokia Bell Labs (France). He served as a chair of ACM MobiSys DroNet 2024, and TPC co-chair at workshops at IEEE Globecom and ICC. He received the best paper award at ACM DroNet 2021.