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John Smee - VTC2024-Fall Washington

John Smee

Senior Vice President Engineering and Global Head of Wireless Research

John Smee

Bio:  Dr. John E. Smee is Senior VP of Engineering and Head of Wireless Research at Qualcomm Technologies Inc. He joined Qualcomm in 2000, holds over 75 U.S. Patents, and has been involved in the system design for a variety of projects focused on the innovation and commercial launch of wireless communications systems such as CDMA EVDO, IEEE 802.11, 3G CDMA, 4G LTE, and 5G NR.  His work involves taking advanced system designs and signal processing techniques from theory to final product through design, standardization, and implementation. He is currently a 5G project engineering lead in Qualcomm’s wireless research and development group. Dr.  John Smee was chosen to participate in the National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering program and is a recipient of the Qualcomm Distinguished Contributor Award for Project Leadership.  He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Princeton University, and also holds an M.A. from Princeton and an M.Sc. and B.Sc. from Queen’s University.
