T1: Advancing Terrestrial Networks and Non-Terrestrial Networks through Collaborative Intelligence at the Edge
Organizer: Zhi Liu, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Organizer: Liang Zhao, Shenyang Aerospace University, China
Organizer: Daniele Tarchi, University of Bologna, Italy
Organizer: Wei Zhao, Anhui University of Technology, China
Abstract: In modern society, terrestrial networks and non-rerrestrial networks have become increasingly important to offer ubiquitous connectivity and computing resource. The research challenges arising from their mobility, the demand for network and computing resources have garnered significant attention from both the academic and industrial sectors.
This is a tutorial focused on leveraging edge computing and the capabilities of Terrestrial Networks and Non-Terrestrial Networks to enhance the communication and computation capability of entities for transportation and aerospace. The tutorial delves into how this collaborative approach can significantly benefit smart vehicles, UAVs, and satellites. Key topics covered in the tutorial may include edge computing architectures, communication protocols, and machine learning algorithms tailored for applications for both terrestrial and non-terrestrial scenarios. A specific attention will be given to novel Distributed Learning paradigms that allows to better coper with the distributed scenario individuated by the ground, aerial, and satellite components, paving the way toward Network-for-AI paradigms.
Participants are likely to gain insights into optimizing resource allocation, enhancing situational awareness, and improving overall performance through the implementation of collaborative intelligence at the edge. The event explores the application of collaborative intelligence, which involves distributed processing and decision-making among devices at the edge of a network. The tutorial will consider both theoretical and practical aspects, by analyzing the fundamental aspects of smart mobility, Non-Terrestrial Networks, and Machine Learning, and analyzing the most interesting application from the literature background.
Organizer’s bios:
Zhi Liu (S’11-M’14-SM’19) received his Ph.D. from the National Institute of Informatics, Japan. He is currently an associate professor with tenure at The University of Electro-Communications, Japan. He has published over 60 IEEE/ACM journal papers and received six best paper awards. He received the IEEE ComSoc MMTC Outstanding Young Researcher Award. He is serving or has served as an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, and Springer Wireless Networks. He is the co-chair of the IEEE Comsoc Technical Committee on Big Data (TCBD) Special Interest Group (SIG) on big data for edge computing and smart society.
Liang Zhao is a Professor at Shenyang Aerospace University, China. He received his Ph.D. degree from the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University in 2011. Before joining Shenyang Aerospace University, he worked as associate senior researcher in Hitachi (China) Research and Development Corporation from 2012 to 2014. He is also a JSPS invitational Fellow (2023) and a visiting professor at the University of Electro-Communications, Japan. He was listed as Top 2% of scientists in the world by Standford University (2022 and 2023). His research interests include ITS, VANET, WMN and SDN. He has published more than 150 articles. He served as the Chair of several international conferences and workshops, including 2022 IEEE BigDataSE (Steering Co-Chair), 2021 IEEE TrustCom (Program Co-Chair), 2019 IEEE IUCC (Program Co-Chair), and 2018-2022 NGDN (founder). He is Associate Editor of Frontiers in Communications and Networking and Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers. He is/has been a guest editor of IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Springer Journal of Computing, etc. He was the recipient of the Best/Outstanding Paper Awards at 2013 ACM MoMM, 2015 IEEE IUCC, 2020 IEEE ISPA, 2022 IEEE EUC and 2023 IEEE SustainCom.
Daniele Tarchi has been an Associate Professor at the University of Bologna since 2019, where he works on terrestrial and satellite wireless communications. His research interests are mainly on Edge and Fog Computing systems, distributed intelligence and computing techniques, optimization techniques, and heterogeneous networks, with particular attention to Smart City, Integrated Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks, and Intelligent Transportation Systems. He has been involved in several national and international research projects and collaborates with several European research institutes. He has published more than 145 papers, among which 63 on international journals. He is an Editorial Board member for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IET Communications, and IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society. He has been symposium co-chair for IEEE WCNC 2011, IEEE Globecom 2014, IEEE Globecom 2018, and IEEE ICC 2020, and workshop co-chair at IEEE ICC 2015. He has been an IEEE Senior Member since 2012.
Wei Zhao received his Ph.D from Tohoku University (Japan) in 2015. He has been an Associate Professor at Anhui University of Technology since 2015. He was also a JSPS invitational Fellow (2023) at the University of Electro-Communications, Japan and a JSPS Research Fellow (2016-2018) at Osaka University, Japan. He mainly works on wireless communications and networking. His research interests are mainly on Edge Computing, Deep Reinforcement Learning and its applications in IoV. He has published more than 30 papers, including IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Network, and IEEE Transactions on Vehicle Technology. He has received best paper rewards from IEEE Globecom 2014 and IEEE WASA 2014.