EMR and Other Graphical Descriptions
Chair: Dr. Kaibo LI, University of Lille (France)
Co-chair: Dr. Thanh Vo-Duy, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Vietnam)
Call For Papers
The design of control for complex systems that consist of multi-sources and multi-subsystems, such as automobile/subway/train/ships/airplane, is one of the key challenges during their development. Model-based control design approaches provide an efficient mean to tackle the design challenges, such as reducing development time and handling growing design complexity. The general steps in model-based control design process are: system modelling, control analysis and tuning, system and control simulation, emulation and experimental validation, and finally control deployment.
At the system modelling step, a lot of functional modeling methods are available for describing a complex system, from the physical relationships to state space models, the classical transfer function schemes, especially different graphical modelling formalisms can be used, such as Bond Graph, Power Oriented Graph (POG), and Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR). These graphical formalisms highlight different properties of multi-physical systems. As an energy-based graphical tool, EMR respects the integral causality, highlights energy properties of the power components such as energy storage, energy conversion and distribution, and provides a global energetic view of systems. Due to these features, inversion based control can be directly deduced from EMR (http://www.emrwebsite.org/).
The aim of this special session is to present different graphical descriptions, including EMR, applied to all kinds of automobile/subway/train/ships/airplane applications to solve complex design and control problems.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Graphical tools for modeling and/or control,
- Graphical toolbox or software,
- Graphical interface for simulation,
- Application of graphical tools for control/identification/emulation,of automobile/subway/train/ships/airplane applications.
Submission Deadline: 10 May 2021
Acceptance notification: 5 July 2021
Final paper submission deadline: 2 August 2021
To submit papers for this Special Session, please visit: https://vppc2021.trackchair.com/track/1996