Klaus David
Title: Collaborative collision avoidance using 5G/6G: “The wireless seat belt”
Abstract: Worldwide, 351,000 vulnerable road users (VRU), like pedestrians and cyclists, were killed in 2016 due to collisions with vehicles, according to the World Health Organization.
To improve the safety of VRUs is a potential “killer” application for 5G/6G. In the presentation, several requirements for 6G/wireless networks will be given as well as the current state of the art for pedestrian/scooter/biker traffic safety, open research questions, and the linkage to Smart Cities and AI Artificial Intelligence. Also, one concrete solution, the “wireless seat belt,” is presented.
Bio: Klaus David is a full professor and head of communication technology at Kassel University, Germany. His research interests include context awareness and AI focusing on applications such as smart cities, digital work, and VRU (Vulnerable Road User) safety.
He has 12 years of industrial experience in various management positions in HP, Bell Northern Research, IMEC, T-Mobile, and IHP, with five years of international experience in the UK, Belgium, USA, and Japan. He has published over 230 scientific articles, more than ten patents, and two books. He is active in IEEE (e.g., Editor in Chief IEEE VT Magazine 2015 – 2018), WWRF (Wireless World Research Forum), and at conferences, such as IST Future Network & Mobile Summit 2012 as TPC chair or General Chair IEEE PerCom 2021. He has co-founded two companies and is a regular consultant to the industry and public organizations.