Industry Track Panels
Title – Wireless Futures
– In conjunction with One 6G Association
To be held in the Auditorium, 22 June, at 11:00am.
Chair and Moderator: Mohammad Shikh-Bhahei
Wen Tong, Huawei
Sumei Song, Institute for Infocomm Research
Harald Haas, pureLifi Ltd
Christos Masouros, University College London
Rahim Tafazolli, University of Surrey, UK
Lajos Hanzo, University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Mohammad Reza Shikh-Bahaei has been engaged in research in the area of wireless communications for 27 years both in academic and industrial organizations. He has worked for start-up companies on statistical signal processing for interference cancellation, network planning and optimisation of wireless networks. In 2000 he joined National Semiconductor Corp. (NSC), CA, USA, (now part of Texas Instruments) and worked within a team on the design of 3rd generation handsets based on UMTS standards, for which he has been awarded three US patents as inventor and co-inventor, respectively. He returned to the UK in March 2002 as a Lecturer at King’s College London, and is now a full Professor of Telecommunications in the Department of Engineering, King’s College London.
He is the chair of one6G Association’s Working Group 1, has represented one6G in the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), and is a Fellow of IET, Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy, and a Senior Member of IEEE.
Dr. Wen Tong is the CTO, Huawei Wireless. He is the head of Huawei wireless research. In 2011, Dr. Tong was appointed the Head of Communications Technologies Labs of Huawei, currently, he is the Huawei 5G chief scientist and led Huawei’s 10-year-long 5G wireless technologies research and development.
Prior to joining Huawei in 2009, Dr. Tong was the Nortel Fellow and head of the Network Technology Labs at Nortel. He joined the Wireless Technology Labs at Bell Northern Research in 1995 in Canada.
Dr. Tong is the industry recognized leader in invention of advanced wireless technologies, Dr. Tong was elected as a Huawei Fellow and an IEEE Fellow. He was the recipient of IEEE Communications Society Industry Innovation Award in 2014, and IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Industry Leader Award for “pioneering technical contributions and leadership in the mobile communications industry and innovation in 5G mobile communications technology” in 2018. He is also the recipient of R.A. Fessenden Medal. For the past three decades, he had pioneered fundamental technologies from 1G to 5G wireless with more than 530 awarded US patents.
Dr. Tong is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, and he serves as Board of Director of Wi-Fi Alliance.
Sumei Sun is a Principal Scientist, Deputy Executive Director (Research), and Head of the Communications and Networks Dept at the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore. She is also holding a joint appointment with the Singapore Institute of Technology, and an adjunct appointment with the National University of Singapore, both as a full professor. Her current research interests are in next-generation wireless communications, joint sensing-communication-computing-control design, and industrial internet of things. She is a member of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Board of Governors (2022-2024), a member-at-large (MAL) with the IEEE Communications Society (2021-2023), and Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology.
Professor Harald Haas received his PhD degree from The University of Edinburgh in 2001. He is a Distinguished Professor of Mobile Communications at the University of Strathclyde/Glasgow, Visiting Professor at the University of Edinburgh and the Director of the LiFi Research and Development Centre (LRDC). Prof Haas founded pureLiFi Ltd., where holds the position of Chief Scientific Officer (CSO). His most recent research interests are in combining physics and communication theory towards designing secure, high-speed and net-zero wireless multi-user access networks including distributed x-haul networks using the optical. He has co-authored more than 650 conference and journal papers and holds more than 45 patents. He has been listed as highly cited researcher by Clarivate/Web of Science since 2017. Prof. Haas has delivered two TED talks which have been watched online more than 5.5 million times. In 2016, he was the recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award from the International Solid State Lighting Alliance. In 2017 he was awarded a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. In 2019 he received the IEEE Vehicular Society James Evans Avant Garde Award. In 2021, he received the Enginuity The Connect Places Innovation Award. In 2022 he was the recipient of a Humboldt Research Award for his research achievements to date. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
Christos Masouros (SMIEEE, MIET) received the Diploma degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, in 2004, and MSc by research and PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Manchester, UK in 2006 and 2009 respectively. In 2008 he was a research intern at Philips Research Labs, UK, working on the LTE standards. Between 2009-2010 he was a Research Associate in the University of Manchester and between 2010-2012 a Research Fellow in Queen’s University Belfast. In 2012 he joined University College London as a Lecturer. He has held a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship between 2011-2016.
Since 2019 he is a Full Professor of Signal Processing and Wireless Communications in the Information and Communication Engineering research group, Dept. Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and affiliated with the Institute for Communications and Connected Systems, University College London. His research interests lie in the field of wireless communications and signal processing with particular focus on Green Communications, Large Scale Antenna Systems, Integrated Sensing and Communications, interference mitigation techniques for MIMO and multicarrier communications. He was the co-recipient of the 2021 IEEE SPS Young Author Best Paper Award. He was the recipient of the Best Paper Awards in the IEEE GlobeCom 2015 and IEEE WCNC 2019 conferences, and has been recognised as an Exemplary Editor for the IEEE Communications Letters, and as an Exemplary Reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Communications. He is an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, and Editor-at-Large for IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society. He has been an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Communications Letters, and a Guest Editor for a number of IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications issues. He is a founding member and Vice-Chair of the IEEE Emerging Technology Initiative on Integrated Sensing and Communications (SAC), Vice Chair of the IEEE Wireless Communications Technical Committee Special Interest Group on ISAC, and Chair of the IEEE Green Communications & Computing Technical Committee, Special Interest Group on Green ISAC. He is the TPC chair for the IEEE ICC 2024 Selected Areas in Communications (SAC) Track on ISAC.
Rahim Tafazolli is Regius Professor of Electronic Engineering, Professor of Mobile and Satellite Communications, Founder and Director of 5GIC, 6GIC and ICS (Institute for Communication System) at the University of Surrey. He has over 30 years of experience in digital communications research and teaching. He has authored and co-authored more than 1000 research publications and is regularly invited to deliver keynote talks and distinguished lectures to international conferences and workshops.
Lajos Hanzo (FIEEE’04) received Honorary Doctorates from the Technical University of Budapest and Edinburgh University. He is a Foreign Member of the Hungarian Science-Academy, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), of the IET, of EURASIP and holds the IEEE Eric Sumner Technical Field Award.
Title – What is 6G
To be held in the Auditorium, 23 June, at 11:00am.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 917 8581 8135
Passcode: 634447
Abstract – Buoyed by the commercial success of 5G, the wireless industry has initialized the development of 6G. Each region of the world has already organized groups, like B5GPC in Japan, NGA in North America, HEXA-X-II in the EU and FuTURE 5G/6G and IMT-2030 promotion group in China to work on 6G development. The ITU has initiated work on defining IMT-2030 and will finish the IMT Vision/Framework document, likely, by early next year. Just as 5G was a quantum leap in the capabilities of wireless communication for the user, 6G will undoubtedly be another quantum leap in cyber-physical interactions. With technologies like joint communication and sensing, as well as AI/ML capabilities, 6G will usher in the era of the metaverse. This panel, consisting of experts from companies that are part of 5 of the 7 Operational Partners of 3GPP and academic research labs that are defining 6G, will discuss the use cases, current technological development, research, and economics of 6G. The requirements and needs from each region of the world will be compared and contrasted to arrive at a unified framework and vision for 6G.
Chair and Moderator:
Anthony C.K. Soong, Chief Scientist, Futurewei Technologies
Amitabha Ghosh, Nokia Fellow, Nokia
Aryan Kaushik, Assistant Professor, University of Sussex
Chil-Lin I, China Mobile Chief Scientist, China Mobile Research Institute
Enrico Bruacchini, Senior Project Manager, Telecom Italia
Takehiro Nakamura, Chief Standardization Officer, NTT DoCoMo
Anthony C. K. Soong ((S’88-M’91-SM’02-F’14) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Alberta. He is currently the Chief Scientist for Wireless Research and Standards at Futurewei Technologies Co. Ltd (a Huawei company), in the US. He currently serves on the Engineering College Industrial Advisory Board of The University of North Texas. He served as Secretary and the founding board member of OPNFV (2014-2016), the chair for 3GPP2 TSG-C NTAH (the next generation radio access network technology development group) from 2007-2009 and vice chair for 3GPP2 TSG-C WG3 (the physical layer development group for CDMA 2000) from 2006-2011. Prior to joining Futurewei, he was with the systems group for Ericsson Inc and Qualcomm Inc. His research group is actively engaged in the research, development and standardization of the next generation cellular system. His research interests are in statistical signal processing, robust statistics, wireless communications, spread spectrum techniques, multicarrier signaling, multiple antenna techniques, quantum communications, network virtualization, SDN and physiological signal processing.
Dr. Soong is a Fellow of the IEEE. He has published more than 100 scientific papers and has more than 100 patents granted or pending. He received the 2017 IEEE Vehicular Technology Society James R. Evans Avant Garde Award, the 2013 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award and the 2005 award of merit for his contribution to 3GPP2 and cdma2000 development. He is on the board of the IEEE Communication Magazine, Industrial co-chair of the fall 2020 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) and 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communication Panel Chair; had served as Industrial Chair for the 2019 Fall IEEE VTC, Industrial Co-Chair for 2019 Spring IEEE VTC; sat on the advisory broad of 2014 IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, Steering Committee of IEEE Int. Workshop on HetSNet and on the technical program committee of numerous wireless communication conferences. He has also acted as guest editor for the IEEE Communications Magazine and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
Amitabha (Amitava) Ghosh (F’15) is a Nokia Fellow and works at Nokia Standards and Strategy. He joined Motorola in 1990 after receiving his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Southern Methodist University, Dallas. Since joining Motorola he worked on multiple wireless technologies starting from IS-95, cdma-2000, 1xEV-DV/1XTREME, 1xEV-DO, UMTS, HSPA, 802.16e/WiMAX and 3GPP LTE. He has 60 issued patents, has written multiple book chapters and has authored numerous external and internal technical papers. He is currently working on 5G Evolution and 6G technologies. He is also the chair of the NextGA (an US 6G initiative) National Roadmap Working Group. His research interests are in the area of digital communications, signal processing and wireless communications. He is the recipient of 2016 IEEE Stephen O. Rice and 2017 Neal Shephard prize, member of IEEE Access editorial board and co-author of the books titled “Essentials of LTE and LTE-A” and “5G Enabled Industrial IoT Network”.
Prof. Aryan Kaushik is Assistant Professor at the University of Sussex, UK. He has been with University College London, UK, from 2020-21, University of Edinburgh, UK, from 2015-19, and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, from 2014-15. He has held visiting appointments at Imperial College London, UK, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Beihang University, China, and Athena RC, Greece. He is the Editor of upcoming book on “Integrated Sensing and Communications for Future Wireless Networks: Principles, Advances and Key Enabling Technologies,” Elsevier. He has been involved in several collaborative projects of international importance as PI/Co-I or research lead. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society (OJCOMS), IEEE Communications Letters, IET Signal Processing and IET Networks, and Lead/Co-Lead Guest Editor for Special Issues at IEEE Internet-of-Things Magazine, IEEE OJCOMS, IET Signal Processing and IET Networks. He has been Track Chair for IEEE ICC 2024 and IEEE WCNC 2023, Publication Chair at IEEE WCNC 2024, IEEE ICMLCN 2024 and IEEE WF-PST 2024, Tutorial Speaker at IEEE WCNC 2023, EuCNC and 6G Summit 2023, IEEE BlackSeaCom 2023 and IEEE SmartGridComm 2023, Keynote/Invited Speaker at IEEE WCNC 2023 workshop, ICASIS 2023 and WiSPNET 2023. He has been General Chair for workshops at IEEE Globecom 2023, IEEE PIMRC 2022-23, IEEE WCNC 2023 and IEEE SECON 2022, TPC Member at IEEE Globecom 2023, IEEE ICC 2021-23, Sessions Chair at IEEE ICC 2023 and IEEE WCNC 2023, and Conference Champion at IEEE PIMRC 2020. Website:
Chih-Lin I is CMCC Chief Scientist of Wireless Technologies. She received Ph.D. EE from Stanford University. She has won 2005 IEEE ComSoc Stephen Rice Prize, 2018 IEEE ComSoc Fred W. Ellersick Prize, the 7th IEEE Asia-Pacific Outstanding Paper Award, and 2015 IEEE Industrial Innovation Award for Leadership and Innovation in Next-Generation Cellular Wireless Networks.
She is the Chair of O-RAN Technical Steering Committee and an O-RAN Executive Committee Member, the Chair of FuTURE 5G/6G SIG, the Chair of WAIA (Wireless AI Alliance) Executive Committee, an Executive Board Member of GreenTouch, a Network Operator Council Founding Member of ETSI NFV, a Steering Board Member and Vice Chair of WWRF, a Steering Committee member and the Publication Chair of IEEE 5G and Future Networks Initiatives, the Founding Chair of IEEE WCNC Steering Committee, the Director of IEEE ComSoc Meetings and Conferences Board, a Senior Editor of IEEE Trans. Green Comm. & Networking, an Area Editor of ACM/IEEE Trans. Networking; Executive Co-chair of IEEE Globecom 2020, IEEE WCNC 2007, IEEE WOCC 2004 and 2000; a member of IEEE ComSoc SDB, SPC, and CSCN-SC, and a Scientific Advisory Board Member of Singapore NRF.
She has published over 200 papers in scientific journals, book chapters and conferences and holds over 100 patents. She is co-author of the book “Green and Software-defined Wireless Networks — From Theory to Practice” and has also Co-edited two books: “Ultra-dense Networks — Principles and Applications” and “5G Networks — Fundamental Requirements, Enabling Technologies, and Operations Management”. She is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of WWRF. Her current research interests center around ICDT Deep Convergence: “From Green & Soft to Open & Smart”.
Enrico Buracchini Is currently 5G senior project manager into INNOVATION DEPT of TIM (former famous CSELT R&D labs)
His Main activities concern:
- 5G and its evolution (e.g. rel16, 17, 18, 19), & 6G (involved in both Hexa X 1 &2, EU flagship founded projects)
- 5G based I4.0 & NPN
- 3GPP RAN1& ITU R 5D delegate.
- More than 600 presentations and business development for TOP/BUSINESS TIM clients
- 5G courses & training to all TIM personnel
- E2E network manager of TIM 5G SAN MARINO POC (march- nov 2018), including mmW @26GHz.
- More than 26 years in wireless comms, managing several innovation projects on 3&4G and consultancy projects
in former TIM foreign branches in Austrian A1 (lived in Wien 1 year), Spanish Amena and Greek TIM HELLAS - Author of several papers, tutorials, panels in scientific and business conferences/fora and of 14 IPRs on Wireless Comms
- Lecturer from 2009 to 2014 of “Wireless Comms Course” into the Master for Foreign Students of Polytechnic of Turin
- Several seminars in University Of Bologna, Milan Bicocca, University of Athens and Pireus and other Italian and EU universities
Mr. Takehiro Nakamura joined NTT Laboratories in 1990. He is now Chief Standardization Officer in NTT DOCOMO, Inc.
Mr. Nakamura has been engaged in R&D and the standardization activities for advanced radio and network technologies of W-CDMA, HSPA, LTE/LTE-Advanced, 5G and 6G, and engaged in strengthening inter-industry collaboration. Mr. Nakamura has been contributing to standardization activities in 3GPP since 1999, including as vice chair and chair of 3GPP TSG-RAN from 2005 to 2013. He has also been the Acting Chairman of Strategy & Planning Committee and the leader of Millimeter wave Promotion Ad Hoc of 5G Mobile Communications Promotion Forum(5GMF), the leader of Cellular System Task Group of ITS Info-communications Forum, the leader of White Paper Subcommittee in Beyond 5G Promotion Consortium in Japan and the Board member of 5G-ACIA.