T1: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Future Wireless Communications
Organizer: Alessio Zappone, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy
Organizer: Marco Di Renzo, CNRS – Centrale- Supelec – Univ. Paris-Sud, France
Organizer: Shi Jin, Southeast University, China
Organizer: Merouane Debbah, Huawei France R&D / Centralesupelec, France
Abstract: As 5G networks take their final form, connectivity demands continue to increase exponentially and new services pose more constraints on the performance that end-users expect. A recent technological breakthrough with the potential to meet these demands is that of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS). This tutorial first elaborates on why present 5G technologies are not enough to keep up with the requirements expected of 6G wireless networks and then introduces the fundamental principles and latest design approaches of RISs for beyond 5G wireless communications, showing how the RIS technology is a very promising technology for 6G wireless networks.
We believe that a tutorial on the principles and latest approaches of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for beyond 5G wireless communications will be of great value for both academics and industry practitioners. This tutorial is unique of its kind, as it provides a cohesive vision of the emerging field of RIS-based communications, addressing both the theoretical methodologies and more practical issues related to real-world implementation. Therefore, the audience will receive a unique training experience.
Bio: Alessio Zappone obtained his Ph.D. degree in elec- trical engineering in 2011 from the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy. His Ph.D. studies were focused on distributed algorithms for energy-efficient resource allocation in wireless networks. After obtaining his Ph.D. Alessio has been with the Technische Universita ̈t Dresden, Germany, managing the project CEMRIN on energy-efficient resource allocation in wireless networks, funded by the Ger- man Research Foundation. From 2017 to 2019 he has been the recipient of the H2020 Individual Marie Curie fellowship for experienced researchers BESMART, carried out in the LANEAS group of CentraleSupelec, Paris, France. He is now a tenured professor at the university of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy. He was appointed exemplary reviewer for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS and IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS in 2017. Alessio is an IEEE Senior Member, serves as senior area editor for the IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS and as guest editor for the IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS ON COMMUNICATIONS (Special Issues on Energy-Efficient Techniques for 5G Wireless Communication Systems and on Wireless Networks Empowered by RIS).
Bio: Marco Di Renzo received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Information Engineering from the University of L’Aquila, Italy, in 2007. Since 2010, he is Associate Professor with Paris-Saclay University – CNRS, CentraleSupelec, Univ. Paris Sud, France. He is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK), and co-founder of the university spin-off company WEST Aquila s.r.l., Italy. Dr. Di Renzo received the THALES Communications fellowship (2003-2006), University of L’Aquila, Italy; the De ́rogation pour l’Encadrement de These (2010), University of Paris- Sud, France; the 2012 IEEE CAMAD, 2014 IEEE CAMAD, 2014 IEEE ATC, 2015 IEEE ComManTel Best Paper Awards; the 2012 and 2014 IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS Exemplary Reviewer Certificate; the 2013 IEEE- COMSOC Best Young Researcher Award for Europe, Middle East and Africa; the 2015-2018 CNRS Award for Excellence in Research and in Advising Doctoral Students; the 2017 IEEE- SEE Alain Glavieux Award. He serves as Editor in Chief of the IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS and Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. He is an IEEE Fellow and a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications and IEEE Vehicular Technology Societies.
Bio: Shi Jin is a is a frequent tutorial/keynote speaker at international conferences, where he gave more than 20 lecture talks. For example, he gave the tutorial Low-Cost Massive MIMO: From Theory to Practice at several renowned IEEE conferences, such as VTC Spring 2016, IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, ICCC 2016, ICASSP 2017, and he gave the keynote Model-Driven Deep Learning for Physical Layer Commu- nications at the 2018 International Conference on 5G for Ubiquitous Connectivity. He has also given several invited tutorial talks at several universities in China. He has more than ten years of experience as a university professor with the Southeast University, Nanjing, China, teaching courses at both the Master Degree and Ph.D. level.
Bio: Merouane Debbah is a frequent tutorial/keynote speaker at international conferences, with more than 50 talks. Recent examples include: Catalonia Distinguished Lecture- ship Program, 2009; Plenary at the Femtocell workshop at Globecom 2010; Newcom++ Spring School on Cognitive Wireless Communication Networks, 2010; Indoor and Outdoor Femto Cells workshop at PIMRC 2010; VTC 2011 BeFEMTO keynote WORKSHOP speaker; Keynote speaker at ICASSP 2011; Tutorial Random Matrix Theory for Advanced Commu- nication Systems at IEEE WCNC 2012; Tutorial Random Ma- trix Advances in Signal Processing at SPAWC 2013; Plenary speaker at ISWCS 2014; Plenary speaker at Valuetools 2014; Plenary speaker at the International School on Small Cells and 5G, 2015; Tutorial Speaker Massive MIMO for 5G at ISWCS 2015; Plenary speaker at EUSIPCO 2015.