T16: Cellular V2X for Connected Automated Driving
Organizer: Toktam Mahmoodi, King’s College London, UK
Organizer: Tommy Svensson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Organizer: Mikael Fallgren, Ericsson Research
Organizer: Markus Dillinger, Huawei European Research Centre
Abstract: 5G technologies and beyond enable road users and vehicles to be connected to the networks as well as to communicate directly with each other ensuring ultra-high reliability and ultra-low latency. Enabling such kind of connectivity will leverage disruptive new applications, such as cooperative manoeuvre among vehicles, and awareness of and interaction with vulnerable road users, to improve driving experience and boost road safety. This tutorial elaborates on the role of 5G and beyond technologies for the connected vehicles, and various technological advances that foster advances in connected automated driving. The tutorial is shaped primarily based on the outcome of the EC-funded 5GPPP 5GCAR project results, which are presented in numerous academic venues and industry forums and published in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, as well as recent advances. This work is one of the first studies that brought together academia, telecom and automotive industry, from science, technology, business and regulatory perspectives.
Bio: Toktam Mahmoodi [S’06, M’09, SM’16] is Director of the Centre for Telecommunications Research (CTR) in King’s College London, where she has been member of the academic faculty since 2011. Previously, she was visiting research scientist at F5 Networks, research associate in Imperial College London, Mobile VCE researcher, and telecom R&D engineer. Toktam is and has been involved in number of European FP7 and H2020 projects on 5G mobile networks, vehicular communications, and Software-defined Networking. Her research focuses on the areas of mobile and cloud networking, and includes ultra-low latency networking, network virtualization, mobility management, network modelling and optimization. She is executive editor of Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, series guest editor of JSAC on network softwarization, and area editor of IEEE Communications Standard Magazine on management & orchestration. Toktam is general chair of ICT 2021, and has been technical committee member of various IEEE ComSoc conferences.
Bio: Tommy Svensson [S’98, M’03, SM’10] is full Professor in Communication Systems at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, where he is leading the Wireless Systems research on air interface and wireless backhaul networking technologies for future wireless systems. He received a Ph.D. in Information theory from Chalmers in 2003, and he has worked at Ericsson AB with core networks, radio access networks, and microwave transmission products. He was involved in the European WINNER and ARTIST4G projects that made important contributions to the 3GPP LTE standards, the EU FP7 METIS and the EU H2020 5GPPP mmMAGIC and 5GCar projects towards 5G and currently the Hexa-X, RISE-6G and SEMANTIC projects towards 6G, as well as in the ChaseOn antenna systems excellence center at Chalmers targeting mmwave and (sub)-THz solutions for 5G/6G access, backhaul/ fronthaul and V2X scenarios. His research interests include design and analysis of physical layer algorithms, multiple access, resource allocation, cooperative systems, moving networks, and satellite networks. He has co-authored 5 books, 96 journal papers, 130 conference papers and 54 public EU projects deliverables. He is Chairman of the ten-fold awards winning IEEE Sweden joint Vehicular Technology/ Communications/ Information Theory Societies chapter, founding editorial board member and editor of IEEE JSAC Series on Machine Learning in Communications and Networks, has been editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Guest editor of several top journals, organized several tutorials and workshops at top IEEE conferences, and served as coordinator of the Communication Engineering Master’s Program at Chalmers.
Bio: Mikael Fallgren is Senior Researcher at Ericsson Research, Stockholm, Sweden. He was project manager of 5GCAR (https://5gcar.eu/), while also serving as chairman of the 5G PPP Automotive Working Group and vice chair of the 5G PPP Steering Board. He has been involved in several other European Projects, including EU FP7 EARTH on energy efficiency, EU FP7 METIS and EU H2020 5GPPP METIS-II on and EU H2020 5GPPP 5GCroCo. He has received a M.Sc. degree in engineering physics and a Ph.D. degree in applied and computational mathematics from KTH (the Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm, and a B.Sc. degree in business administration from Stockholm University (SU), and a M.Sc. degree in upper secondary education from KTH and SU. His research interests include V2X and wireless access networks. In 2017 he was an invited keynote speaker in the 6th International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for 5G and Beyond Wireless and Mobile Networks (ET5GB) at IEEE Globecom. He has organized the 5G Connected Cars: Vehicular-to-Everything Communications workshop in the In the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) 2018, and also organized and hosted 5GCAR booths at events such as MWC 2018 and 2019, EuCNC 2018 and 2019, as well as at ICT 2018 Exhibition 5G PPP stand 2018. He has participated in V2X and automotive related panels in events such as the 7th Global 5G Event 2019, Smart Transportation and Mobility conference 2019, 15th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS) 2018, Interactive Symposium on Research & Innovation for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe (EUCAD) 2018, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2018, and the TU-Automotive Europe 2017.
Bio: Markus Dillinger received his Diplom-Ing. degree in telecommunications in 1990 from the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. In 1991 he joined the Mobile Network Division at Siemens for development of GSM base stations. From 1995 on, he was working on the definition of the third mobile radio generation in the European research projects. From 2000 he led Software Defined Radio research activities within the Siemens network division. He was leading several EU research programmes. From 2005 onwards he was director for mobile broadband solutions and later for enterprise solutions dealing with railway projects. In 2010 he joined Huawei Germany and was director for enterprise solutions for smart grid. In 2013 he has joined Huawei European Research Centre as Head of Wireless Internet Technologies where he runs private and public R&D programmes for e.g. car-to-car and automation supporting 3GPP standardization and normative work for the vertical industry. He is Steering Board member of EATA, was Technical Manager of 5GCar project and initiator of 5GPP 5GCroCo project under Horizon Europe research programme. In September 2016 he was appointed as Executive Committee member for the 5GAA and re-assigned in following years. These 3 Executive Committee members are responsible for the 5GAA operation. He was the initiator of 5GAA and leads the Munich team for their technical contributions to Working Groups in 3GPP / 5GAA and other initiatives. He has given numerous talks, served as panellist and panel organiser at industry and academic events in 2021 and before. Moreover, he edited two academic books on V2X and software defined radios. He is also patent holder for several wireless concepts and solutions.