W12: Wireless Communication Technologies for Future Railway Systems
Organizer: Jérôme Härri
Organizer: Aitor Arriola
Abstract: The increase of information exchange between various stakeholders and the global interconnection of devices are expected to significantly impact future railway systems. This workshop therefore focuses on the theoretical and practical views of wireless communication technologies in the context of future railway systems.
The topics of interests include but are not limited to:
• Requirements and emerging applications for railway communications
• Theoretical and practical research in automations for future railway systems
• Railway networks, such as wireless train backbone or wireless consist network.
• Antenna requirements and modeling for wireless railway communications
• Spectrum challenges for wireless railway applications (700 MHz to mmWaves)
• Applicability of 5G and Beyond-5G features to future railway systems
• Consist-to-X communications (Intra-consist, Inter-consist, Train-to-Train and Train-to-Ground)
• Channel measurement and modeling for railway communications links
• Cyber-security of railway wireless communications
• Process in standardization
Bio: Jérôme Härri received the M.Sc. and the D.Sc. degrees in telecommunication from the Swiss Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland. He is currently Associate Professor with the Communication Systems Department, EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France, where he leads the Connected Automated Transport System (CATS) team. Previously, he led the Traffic Telematics Junior Research Group of the Institute of Telematics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany. His research interests are related to wireless vehicular communication and networking, traffic flow modelling, positioning and localization, or control system optimization, in particular their mutual interactions in future automated vehicles. He has authored and coauthored over 80 international journal and conference papers and is involved in various national and European research projects related to connected and automated mobility. He is Associate Editor for Frontier in Future Transportation as well as for the Hindawi Journal of Advanced Transportation, is member of the Editorial Board, resp. Section Editor, of the MDPI journals Sensors and Electronics, and has served as a Chair, Co-chair, and TPC member in a large number of international conferences. His H-index is 31.
Bio: Dr. Aitor Arriola is a researcher in the Communication Systems Group of IKERLAL. He received a M.S. degree in telecommunications engineering from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain, in 1999, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Navarra, San Sebastian, Spain, in 2011. Since 1999, he has been with the Communications Systems Group of IK4-IKERLAN Technological Research Center, Arrasate-Mondragón, Spain. From 2006 to 2008, he was with the RF Component Design and Modeling (RFCDM) Group of Imec, Leuven, Belgium, as visiting researcher. He has participated in several national and international research projects involving the design and measurement of wireless communication devices and antennas. He has participated in Roll2Rail project and is coordinator of the Safe4Rail2 project.
Workshop paper submission due EXTENDED: 10 January 2021
Acceptance notification: 24 January 2021
Final paper submission due Extended: 4 March 2021
To submit a paper to this workshop, please visit: https://vtc2021s-rr-wks.trackchair.com/track/1958