Workshops provide invaluable opportunities for researchers and industry practitioners to share their state-of-the-art research and development results in areas of particular interest. All workshops are now included in the registration fee, so there is no additional costs.
W1: Machine Learning for Sensing, Communication and Networking in IoT
W2: The 2nd Workshop on 5G and Beyond Technologies for Ultra-Dense Environments
W3: Multi-Sensor Positioning and Navigation for Connected & Autonomous Vehicles
W4: Intelligent Communication Network Technologies (ICNET2020)
W5: Technology and Standardization Evolution for 5G New Radio
W6: Network-Assisted Collaborative Automated Driving
W7: IEEE VTC Workshop on 5G Millimeter-Wave Channel Measurement, Models, & Systems
W8: IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Workshop on Urban Air Mobility
W9: Real-Time Data Processing in Industrial and IoT Applications
W10: New Network Architecture Powering Internet-of-Things
W11: The 2nd Annual VTC Diversity Workshop ---NEW
Submission Procedure
Workshop paper submission due: Extended to 19 June 2020
Workshop paper acceptance notification: Changed to 6 July 2020
Final paper submission: Changed to 14 July 2020
Submission requirements: 5-page paper (without overlength charge) and up to 2 additional pages are allowed with the purchase of additional page charges in the amount of $100 USD per additional page at the time of registration and final paper submission. The conference template can be downloaded here:
Visit our Sponsors page for an additional opportunity to host a workshop!